
Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The Thread.

While creating a new post on Facebook today, I found myself writing these words:

There's a thread that runs through every piece of artwork I share with the world. It's hope. Hope as an imagined vision. I realize artwork alone doesn't bring hope to the world. My hope lives and moves and has its being in Christ. Christmas is my remembering when the world was given hope in form of a babe.

I believe nature shows us a glimpse of Eden, what's left of that amazing place. If this nature we see now is a shadow of what once was, I will soak it in and savor every bit of that gift. I believe God gives us hope through His son. I also believe He gave us nature to bless us if we have eyes to look and see it.

So while you may not read much from me about the Gospel, I am purposed to live it and share that encouragement and hope. My brush cannot begin to compete with His creation. I paint as much hope and light and beauty into my artwork as possible. There are mistakes and shortcomings though I don't bring them to attention.

I am fascinated in how artwork can touch others and that's why I decide to offer some pieces for purchase. Others stay here because they are difficult to part with and why not all, I don't know. I have experienced the joy and blessing of seeing others delight in making a piece their own. I am humbled. It's so amazing. I have not even a hint of any idea whether pieces will find a home with someone else. My journey in this is waiting to see while I paint a new piece of watercolor art.

If you are interested in seeing my artwork, here is a link. I don't apply pressure to sell my work. If you don't absolutely feel like a piece is calling out to you, then it shouldn't be yours. I want these pieces to be somewhere that they'll be valued. I hate to think of my artwork ending up on a garage sale...though God could make it possible to send that art piece wherever He chooses. Click on the link and have a look because looking is still free! Be blessed today!

He still speaks through all He has made...

-She must make art.

Listen For The Hopeful Tune

Resilient Spirit

Strength In Stillness

A Calming Stillness

A Song In The Rain

Sunday, November 26, 2023

New Artwork and More

Hey, friends!  My website has been updated with new artwork and more.  Over a dozen new pieces of watercolor artwork are now posted to the website.  While I was preparing by photographing artwork, it occurred to me that now might be a perfect time to bring other items to my website.  In the past, I shared quite a few photos of my process in creating these extras.  I shared but these were mainly a Farmer's Market offering.  The main reason was the time it would require to list them on my website.

With autumn days, my daily life pace is slower and leading up to Thanksgiving weekend, it's a great time to put in the hours and get these beauties up and available.  I've created listing for magnets, ornaments, notecard sets and watercolor extras bundles.  The bundles are grouped items of my choosing, beautiful together.  You can choose to keep them all, keep some and give some, or give all as a gorgeous gift.  You'll save a nice amount over purchasing individual items.  Shown below, Wildlfower Bundle 1.  This bundle includes one notecard set, two magnets, and three bookmarks.

So, whether you are interested in seeing new watercolor artwork released today or ordering an ornament (or more) or selecting a extras bundle...I am sure there's something to please!

Thank you so much for joining me on these adventures in art,

-She must make art.

Wildflowers Bundle 1

Wildflowers Bundle 1

Wildflowers Bundle 1


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

New Artwork Releases Soon!


A Watercolor Extras Bundle
New artwork is coming to the website very soon...

I have been working away behind the scenes preparing quite a few original watercolors and some smaller watercolor extras.  I prefer the art making process over the long hours photographing and uploading to the website but it will be worth it in the end.  There may be a few kinks in the works so I plan for the website to need some tweaking to get it just right.  Each time I come back to work on the website, I am challenged to remember how it all works!

The new watercolor artwork is a range of subjects from bluebirds and hummingbirds to garden flowers...and maybe a landscape or two.

The magnets, ornaments, notecards sets, wildflower miniatures, and watercolor extras bundles (shown left) will be a new addition on the website.  All price points give more choices and are more flexible for any budget.

Have you signed up for my mailing list on my website yet?  I won't be showing up in your inbox unless I have news like artwork and new items available on the website.  Thank you for joining me in these art adventures!  You'll find all the links for website and social media on my Contact Information tab above.

Late Sunday, November 26th, 2023 is when the new artwork and other items will be available on my website.

Happy Thanksgiving, friends!


-She must make art.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

New Prices Now In Effect

New Prices Now In Effect

Thank you for all your support in so many forms.  Whether commenting on a post, sharing my reels, buying a piece of artwork, sending me an encouraging message, telling others you know about my artwork, and so on...every bit matters.  I enjoy all that goes into this art life and seeing how it can impact others.  I love having you on this journey!

All the little things add up and though it's not the most fun part of my creative pursuit, it is necessary art business.  Painting is the adventurous and mysterious part.  But at some point, I need to also pay attention to whether I am making ends meet.

New updated prices are now in effect.  I am an up front kind of person and it's important for me to get the word out to all of you.  As cost of art supplies, website fees, payment app fees, and shipping fees all increase, I must be on top of making sure it's possible to continue this art adventure in months to come.  New art is on the way...and we all know she must make art.

Shopify has increased the monthly cost for the basic website package and I am considering avenues for adding "Buy It" buttons for this blog and posting available work here on She Must Make Art.  I will research more and make a decision by fall this year.

I make the bulk of my sales through Facebook, Instagram, and Farmer's Market.  I know the value of having a website and mailing list so feel hesitant to make any big changes yet.  If that should happen, I will be sure to spread the word in all the ways possible.

I have one list of prices for regular artwork created on a daily basis.  I am basing these on a cost per square inch in the art piece dimensions.  The prices for regular artwork are decided so that I can enjoy choosing what I create and still be affordable for others to own some original watercolor artwork.  That balance is key.

 I have another list of prices for art commission work due to the nature of those projects including the time and steps required in the process.  These prices are also based on a cost per square inch on the art piece dimensions.  There's more time spent arranging for phone conversations or meeting by appointment in the studio.  There's a form filled with all the details to guide me in being consistent throughout the process.  There's the contract written and sent and filed to help clients feel heard and protected in the process.  There's the deposit, the sketch, the color swatching plans, the attention to details specifically important to the client...and so on.  It's a extremely personalized experience.  My clients are priority one.

The regular prices are posted in my art room as a reference when pricing artwork.  The art commission prices are posted on the Private Art Commission page.  If you should like a copy of these price lists, be sure to message, call, or email me and I will send you a copy.

Thank you,

-She Must Make Art

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Art Studio News

An Update From My Studio

Building some momentum to knock out some tasks and reach some goals this month!  Artwork has been on track but other tasks not so much.  I think my time management has been needing some work.  I have been taking a more flexible approach to personal life and family time. I love working from home and having my studio at home.  

Since summer of 2022, I have been fortunate to have several art commission projects come my way.  I appreciate the response from many of you and have enjoyed our time working together to develop vision for new art pieces.  Some artists might find it daunting to take on art commission work but I do not find that as my experience at all.  I find it exciting and refreshing to listen to client (seems impersonal...friends, really) ideas and interests, see the photos to work from or find photos available to artists, hone in on color palettes that will be best suited to client or recipient, and then take off from there to create an original artwork that brings it all together.  The reactions from clients in the end are priceless gifts to me and renew my energetic spark to make the next new artwork.

Meeting The New Day, 5" x 7" watercolor of European robin.
Meeting The New Day 5" x 7"

I have one client I am chatting with about a few new pieces and hope to get started in the next few weeks.  We have talked about potential subject matter and photos to be provided by the client.  We have talked about the dimensions of the pieces so soon, I'll have photos from client and we'll talk over the color palettes to possibly suit these pieces best.  The client has frames purchased so seeing them will help me in going forward as well.  I take a lot of interest in getting feedback; this in turn helps me clearly understand what each client will be most pleased with in the end.

Pemaquid Point Lighthouse Walk 9" x 12" watercolor, a recent art commission.
A recent art commission:
Pemaquid Point Lighthouse Walk
9" x 12"

I will be taking new projects through the coming months so if this interests you, please contact me soon.  You are under no obligation to commit and I will not pressure you to agree to an art commission.  This process works most successfully when you feel comfortable and excited to proceed!  I am more than happy to explain the process fully and answer questions for you.  I will be up front and if I don't feel I will be the best for creating with your goals in mind, I have no problem being honest about that.  Here, on the blog, there is a page which outlines my procedure for art commissions.  That may be a great place to start if you are still undecided but curious.  My previous post, Openings For Art Commissions has more details.

Listen For The Hopeful Tune 7 1/2" x 9 1/2" watercolor artwork.
Listen For The Hopeful Tune 7 1/2" x 9 1/2"
Available for purchase.

I cannot emphasize enough that taking on an art commission project takes time.  Please allow 2 to 3 weeks to begin the project as we coordinate our schedules to chat and exchange ideas, write contracts, submit deposits, etc.  There are quite a few steps required to take place before I can begin the initial sketch.  Creating the artwork itself takes several weeks and then the packaging/shipping takes about a week.  I do not ship artwork until final payment is received.

Persistence For Life 9 1/2" x 12 1/2" watercolor artwork.
Persistence For Life 9 1/2" x 12 1/2"
Available for purchase.

I am working on making changes to my art prices based on dimensions.  The cost of supplies has increased.  The time has come to be sure I can continue creating original artwork and cover the overhead.  Price changes will be taking place with standard artwork that I create and on private art commissions as well.  Those changes will take place by the end of May 2023.  I will publish a post when the new prices take effect.

Familiar Notes Of Spring 5" x 7" watercolor artwork.
Familiar Notes Of Spring 5" x 7"

Whoop Up weekend is quickly approaching.  On June3rd, a piece of my artwork will be displayed alongside the Rhubarb Pie Sales at the vintage camper on Main Street.  That piece, which I am still undecided in choosing...will be available for purchase.  It's an honor to be included and hope you'll be sure to take a look if you happen to attend.

June through September will be busier months with gardening, camping, and plein air painting outings.  I will most likely participate in Farmer's Market here in Conrad, MT but I hope to be there every other week at most.  Last year, taking artwork every week became too much so I will try to find a better balance this summer.  I would love to find a local spot for a pop up/limited time display where I can show artwork and meet & greet.  Watercolors do so much better indoors away from direct sun.  I keep thinking on locations that might do well for a 3 day set up that I can host on location.  Please comment or contact me with any ideas!

Lingering Attentively 5" x 7" watercolor artwork.
Lingering Attentively 5" x 7"

Recently my subjects for artwork have been birds.  I began with European robins and then a chickadee.  Coming up, more European robins, another chickadee, a titmouse, American robins, bluebirds, hummingbirds, cardinals, and blue jays.  Sketches are being done and transferred to watercolor paper so those new pieces of artwork will soon be started.

Scrap of watercolor paper with swatches of color samples.
Scrap of watercolor paper
with swatches of color.

I seem to be always mentioning the possibilities of teaching workshops and not following through.  I have the paper, brushes and palettes here so that helps with arrangement of supplies.  I now need to choose a few dates and announce so sign ups can begin.  I don't know whether afternoon or evening will work better...I personally prefer afternoons.  That will come together with time. 

Please be sure to check out art pieces available on my website!  Landscapes in a wide range, vibrant with color and texture.  Montana inspired watercolor artwork with my own personal style.

Thank you for following along and I would love to hear from you!  How is your spring going and are you finding time to be creative?  


-She must make art.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Openings For Art Commissions Available Now

Openings For Art Commissions Available Now
Art commission work is a very special process and filled with blessings!

I have been enjoying working with clients on a steady basis the past several months.  The process of working with a client on a custom piece is a welcome challenge.  I find that clients soon become friends and we enjoy the project together.  

There's a rewarding aspect to this process that thrills me as I provide the attention to detail and service from beginning to end.  In order to have the process go successfully, I have my own procedure for setting up these projects for best possible experience and outcome.  My clients are the people I seek to communicate with so I have no doubt what he/she will fall in love with when the artwork is finished.

One of the pages here on the blog (←linked) goes into specific detail about my process in art commission work.  Work?  Not really...somehow that seems ironic.  I love what I do and it's a pleasure to create custom artwork.  If you would like to read more about what to expect in working with me on a project together, that page will help you imagine yourself interacting with my art commission process.

Below, I am going to share some examples of artwork I have created for private art commissions.  You'll find they are all so varied in subject and dimensions.  

I will be ready to schedule one private art commission per month starting in June and throughout the summer into fall.  It does take a week or two to finalize all the details as we coordinate our calendars and daily schedules.  With one or two phone conversations, I can gather the information I need to begin to design the project.  I suggest allowing for four to six weeks minimum for the process from planning stages to final piece ready to ship.

Not sure about what you would have painted as an original watercolor artwork?  Here are a few ideas:  a memorable landscape in a place you love, a view from a family property, a favorite flower or bird.  I see these old and weathered places across our local area with barns and sheds...and the big Montana sky above with blue sky and gorgeous clouds.  Within a reasonable radius, I would enjoy taking photos of locations for new artwork.  When given the option, I would choose to work from my own photographs but that's not required.

If you find yourself curious to find out more, please send my a message.  I am ready to answer questions and give more information.  The page linked above also has more specific details of what you can expect.  

Thank you,

-She must make art.

Pemaquid Point Lighthouse Walk original watercolor artwork by Christy Sheeler 2023
Pemaquid Point Lighthouse Walk 12" x 9" 2023

Gracie's Bison original watercolor artwork by Christy Sheeler 2022
Gracie's Bison 9" x 12" 2022

relax-reset-renewed original watercolor artwork by Christy Sheeler 2022
relax-reset-renewed 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" 2022

Gratitude In Everything original watercolor artwork by Christy Sheeler 2022
Gratitude In Everything 4" x 6" 2022

Flourishing Daily original watercolor artwork by Christy Sheeler 2022
Flourishing Daily 5" x 7" 2022

Persistence In All Things original watercolor artwork by Christy Sheeler 2022
Persistence In All Things 5" x 7" 2022